Crypto exchange:
Easily buy and sell cryptocurrencies

5 out of 5 (3,565+ Reviews In Our Office)

Trusted crypto exchange in miami with miami money exchange

We buy: BTC
We buy and sell: ETH - USDT - TRX

Secure and reliable crypto exchange services

To buy or sell cryptocurrencies with us, you only need to present your identification, be over 18 years old, and have a digital wallet, whether mobile, hardware, or online. We recommend contacting us to confirm the availability of the cryptocurrency you wish to trade.

In order to buy or sell your cryptocurrency, you must provide us with a non-expired government-issued ID such as a Driver’s License or Passport. We may limit the purchasing of cryptos according to market conditions.

You can buy Bitcoin at our main location using fiat currency.

In order to buy cryptocurrencies, it is important to come prepared. You will need a mobile wallet with an account set to receive the cryptocurrency. We cannot send funds to any paper wallets (that is, an address/QR code printed on a piece of paper).

Also, please bring your driver’s license or passport that is not expired. If you intend to buy a large quantity of cryptocurrency (over $10,000), please call our office prior to your visit.

Frequently asked questions

How do I start buying or selling cryptocurrencies with Miami Money Exchange?

To start buying or selling cryptocurrencies, you need to present a non-expired government-issued ID, be over 18 years old, and have a digital wallet ready. Contact us to confirm the availability of the cryptocurrency you wish to trade.

What types of identification do I need to provide?

You must provide a non-expired government-issued ID such as a Driver’s License or Passport when buying or selling cryptocurrencies.

Are there any limits on the amount of cryptocurrency I can buy or sell?

We may limit the purchasing of cryptocurrencies according to market conditions. For transactions over $10,000, please call our office prior to your visit to make necessary arrangements.

Can I buy cryptocurrencies using fiat currency at your location?

Yes, you can buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using fiat currency at our main location. Ensure you have a mobile wallet ready to receive the cryptocurrency.

What should I bring when visiting your office to buy or sell cryptocurrencies?

Please bring your digital wallet, a government-issued ID (Driver’s License or Passport), and, if you are buying a large quantity of cryptocurrency (over $10,000), call our office beforehand. We do not accept paper wallets for transactions.

Locations - Crypto exchange near me


278 NE 1st Street, Miami, FL 33132


+1 3053712208


Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


256 NE 1ST St Miami FL, 33132


(786) 899-0333


Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


2488 NW 89th Place #9 Miami FL, 33172


+1 305 371 2208


Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


4791 Palm Avenue Hialeah Fl 33012, Hialeah, FL 33012


+1 305 371 2208


Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Let us help you with your Crypto

Contact us now and get the best exchange rate.